5 Great Reasons to Be Self-Employed!

Today more individuals than ever are considering self-employment, and why not!? There are so many wonderful reasons to leave the traditional workforce and go into business for yourself. Not convinced it’s for you? Well here are five great reasons to be self-employed:

  1. You Get to Be Your Own Boss | People who are well-suited for self-employment like to be in control. Often times these individuals feel held back in a typical office environment by their bosses and their co-workers. As a self-employed business owner though, you are working for yourself and therefore you are in control of the decision making.
  2. More Flexible Work Schedule | When you’re self-employed, you set your own hours. You can get all your work done early in the morning or you can save it for the afternoon. You decide the schedule that works best for you and your business. This benefit can make taking personal time much easier, but be sure to set clear boundaries for when your “work time” is for both clients and your family. This distinction will help you keep a more balanced life.
  3. You Have Control Over Your Own Income | When you work for someone else, you have little control over what your wage is. Yes, you can request a raise, but that needs to pass through several hands and be approved. There may even be a salary cap that prevents you from earning any more. Being self-employed means you have control over your own salary, and have the ability to change it as you see fit.
  4. You Can Work From Home | Imagine – no long commute, less money spent on gas, and you can go to work in your pajamas every day! Working from home has its perks, and for those occasions when you have to meet with a client, partner, or potential investor, there are virtual offices that many self-employed business owners use for those more professional situations.
  5. You Get to Follow Your Passions | Most people simply dream about leaving their day job to follow their passion. As a self-employed business owner, you get to live out that dream. Creating something from the ground up that you have a passion for can be extremely rewarding. Even if you only choose to be self-employed for a short time, the experience and confidence you develop will benefit you in so many areas of your life. It definitely has its challenges, but that is something you’re willing to face head-on.

There are so many great reasons to become self-employed, and today it’s easier than ever to get started with the endless tools, tips, and other businesses working to make your life as a business owner easier. Don’t wait any longer to make your dreams into a reality.

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