4 Ways to Leverage Business Networks to Succeed

Being self-employed does not mean you must go at it alone. Far from it! A strong network makes all the difference when running your own business. You can solve problems faster, build new relationships, expand your audience, and grow your business in highly profitable ways. The opportunities – and benefits – are numerous.

Here are four great ways to develop and leverage strong support networks:

1. Leverage Project-Based Contractors
Got a new project or more work than you can handle alone? Contractors may be the perfect solution when you want to take on more work, but are not sure for how long. This might include seasonal sales spikes or a customer request that requires a specific skill set that you don’t possess. Rather than turn down the gig, you can leverage an established and reputable project-based talent network to meet demand. While there are many options here, a firm like Kelly Services offers access to a diverse pool of talent with experience in multiple industries as well as kills sets ranging from administrative support to engineering talent. Kelly can also take care of all the paperwork from hire to closing out the project.

2. Take Advantage of Cooperative Marketing
As the old adage goes, “there is strength in numbers.” This is particularly true in local small business communities. You can leverage this idea by creating a cooperative marketing campaign, in which you and another business partner promote each other’s offerings. This is a great strategy for local business who offer complementary products or services and target the same customs to share promotional costs. Examples include prominently displaying each other’s brochures, offering exclusive discounts to shared customers, or hosting an event together.

3. Outsource the Work
Fortunately, you no longer need to be an expert at everything to succeed in your own business. Today, just about any business activity can be outsourced. This includes virtual bookkeepers and assistants, contracted Chief Financial Officers (CFO), and third-party sales associates working on a totally commission basis. Not only does this network option allow you to focus on what you do well, but it also provides you with a fresh, independent, and expert perspective into your business, allowing to improve and grow.

4. Take Advantage of Free Help!
Did you know that there are literally thousands of government and nonprofit programs designed specifically to help you start, grow and succeed in your own business? It’s true! This includes help with just about any aspect of business, such as marketing, financing, sales, planning and even selling your products or services to the government. Check out America’s Small Business Champions Network to learn more. Simply choose your state, free help and then connect with available expertise to build your support network where you need it.

As introduced, there is strength in numbers. Be selective and be proactive in building a support network that’s right for you and your business.

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