America’s Workforce Vitality: Our Enhanced Solutions for Changing Needs

America’s small businesses are getting smaller as just under half our workforce turns to independent contracting, freelancing, and self-employment to create their own jobs. Remaining on top of promoting innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit under these new conditions, the Knowledge Institute for Small Business Development (KISBD) has become Osgood & Associates!

In addition to specializing in proven coaching and training programs for starting, growing, and succeeding in business, we’re also helping you to discover what that business is. This requires two separate yet integrated approaches:

  1. Mastering the art of self
  2. Mastering the science of succeeding in career and business

Both are essential elements to discovering and pursuing the ideal career path as well as quality of life! In short, if you don’t fully understand who you are and what want from life, you are unlikely to attain success and happiness.

There are multiple factors driving this new and important direction and need:

  • The Skills Gap
    2018 began with roughly 6 million job openings. At the same time, there were roughly 6.6 million people looking for work. Unfortunately, the two don’t line up. Employers report that less than 20% of applicants meet the required qualifications resulting in it taking – on average – 52 days to fill a job opening.
  • Workforce Automation
    Just under half of all jobs that exist today will be replaced by automation in the near future. This not only means that there will be less traditional jobs available, but the jobs that will be available will require skills that we can’t even define today.
  • Disenfranchised Workers
    While traditional unemployment figures suggest declining unemployment, they fail to count individuals who have dropped off the radar and are no longer looking for work. Between 2000 and 2018, this group of people grew by 39% to now represent 95.5 million individuals. In comparison, employment grew by only 14%. Factors contributing to this increase include the departure of Baby Boomers from the workforce, the fatigue of job seekers giving up hope of finding a job, and the disenfranchisement of young adults who are unprepared to enter the competitive workforce.

Osgood & Associates is addressing these changes head on through proven success coaching techniques for individuals, and training programs utilized by workforce and economic development agencies serving marginalized populations across America. Collectively, we are helping thousands of people just like you to do what they love, love what they do, and build a meaningful and satisfying life.

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